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First Book Signing

I am grateful and humbled by the response to my first book signing. As a naturally introverted person, forcing myself into new social dynamics triggers extreme imposter syndrome. I used every ounce of social energy to keep my heart rate down and not seem strange.

I found it interesting to see how shoppers respond to the interruption of their Saturday browsing. Most were curious and very kind. Some were objective-oriented (that would be me), and a few were perplexed. After 30 minutes, I engaged my social observation skills (well-trained by my day job) and approached interested people. The genre, location, time period, themes, and plot of my novel were easy to convey and seemed to resonate with most people I met.

It was easy to talk about my writing process and my day job as a mental health professional. I even had the opportunity to explain why I used a pseudonym and what my "author" identity meant compared to my personal life. I was amazed at how readers wanted to know what inspired my story and more about who I am as a woman and a writer. In the end, introvert or extrovert, reader or shopper, I was inspired by the kindness and willingness of strangers to connect and share their stories.

Thank you, Barnes & Noble, Ft. Collins, Historium Press, and all my potential and future readers.

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